Love Laughter Health & Beauty

Love Laughter

Health & Beauty

In my own life, after giving birth to my first child, a healthy boy, I stuck to my personal nutritional and physical convictions and was back in a bikini, shooting a Calendar, merely 3 months after delivery. In fact, I was in the best shape of my life and decided to compete in the Utah classic, while breastfeeding, so I had to keep eating healthy foods which meant no extreme “carb cutting,” or taking sports supplements with stimulants in them. Lots of wheat grass and fresh squeezed carrot juices, salads and organic lean meats did miracles with my figure and endurance. And above all, my son too loved the near endless flow of milk that his relentless thirst triggered.

In 2004, further testing my N.O.W.E.S. System,

 I competed in my first figure competition, the Utah Spring Classic and placed 2nd while still breast feeding my then 6 month old son.

Still not convinced that I had tried all variations of diet and training, I entered the 2005 GNC California State Championships and placed 3rd and qualified me to compete in the Nationals. I registered to compete in the USA Nationals in Las Vegas Nevada but had to cancel the show.
Unfortunately, at this same time, I was also weening my son off breastfeeding which was not an easy task to do only a week out of competing. And if anyone knows about this experience, breasts can be
very tender, painful and engorged. It was an experience I did not anticipate would affect me so greatly. It took several weeks before both my son and I transitioned. However, I still managed to compete in the Team Universe held in New York which was held less than a month after the USA. I placed 11th out of 30 competitors in my class. Not bad for my first National
figure show, but my life is more than placing in figure and bodybuilding contests.



In 2011, I was hit by a careless driver running a red light and it has left me with neck, lower back and hip issues that I must deal with each day. Competing in fitness competitions came to an immediate halt. But things happen for reasons and I believe God had a bigger plan for me. Being educated in nutrition, I made the conscious choice to stay away from toxic and addicting pain medications that were temporary and only mask the injury, instead I took the longer approach and used natural anti-inflammatory herbs such as Curcumin (Tumeric) and Fish Oils, Omega 3, Flax seed oils, Ginger, Resveratrol, probiotics and green tea extracts (EGCG), I sought out natural healing treatments such as acupuncture, chinese blood letting, cupping, massage, muscle electrical stimulations and traction to help alleviate the pain. I used my knowledge of exercise to continue to move the body to prevent stiffness, keep functioning through activities of daily living, increasing circulation throughout the body and provide increased oxygenation for better well-being. These modalities made this time and injuries more manageable. Despite three of the best Beverly Hills spinal medical doctors advice recommending cervical surgery, I was determined to heal my body through healing modalities and proper nutrition and go against surgery. It’s been a trial and error journey because the athlete mind didn’t agree with the injury clearly on my body. But, I eventually accepted my limitations and embraced them. I learned to adapt and make the needed changes from lifting the extremely heavy weights which really served no purpose in my life and turned to more gentle exercises such as cycling, hiking, yoga, and swimming which today I can say was actually the best choice I could have made for better healthier living in the long run and it also kept me from dangerous surgery. Overall, it has pushed me to seek out a holistic approach to living a healthier lifestyle. I have a better understanding on how the power of our minds and thoughts can make an impact on our bodies. I have a better sense of “being” in the moment, breathing with intention and centering my heart. Having gone through this, has further enhanced my knowledge about holistic living and the importance of incorporating it in everyday living. 

Take care of your body and mind by eating healthy nutrient foods, breathe deeply every day, exercise, get adequate sleep each night and lastly have faith.  In order to get through the darkness the  body and mind needs nourishment.

In 2015

I competed in the Ms. Asia USA Pagaent representing my birth country, The Philippines. I placed 3rd runner up. This competition was not as strenuous as my past competitions in bodybuilding or figure competitions.

Getting back on stage was not to say, “hey I’m beautiful” but more about empowering myself to get back on stage again and doing things that I had programmed myself to think it was seemingly impossible to do or achieve. I needed to step outside of my comfort zone the so called box I had put around myself. I am so glad I did as it was the first step I needed to take to start living and finding my passions again in life.  If you do your passions in life and you will be happier. And know that It’s okay to fail. It’s okay not to be PERFECT.  It is part of being human. It’s not okay to stop living when we are capable of doing so much, even walk on the moon!

On February 27, 2016

I was honored with receiving the first award from Stunt director and Producer Andy Armstrong called the Andy Armstrong Positive Action Award. What I have learned through the years is to not allow people or circumstances to hold you back from accomplishing your dreams.  This is your life, be you, take control of it and consciously live your life. The key to staying healthy in mind, body and spirit during these difficult challenges we all must face from time to time, is to first be grateful and smile each day, incorporate daily exercise and yoga stretching, focused intentional deep breathing including meditation even if it's just five minutes a day will help give you clarity in your mind, try to eat nutrient dense foods coming from majority of organic fruits and vegetables. This is nothing new our greatest philosophers, ancient healers all knew that food is medicine. Food can heal you and also cause havoc in your body if not chosen correctly. Food should nourish your body with potent natural vitamins and can help combat the physical and emotional stress. Laugh as much as you can and seek out humor in life it will decrease cortisol levels, stress and it is contagious when around others. Laughter is contagious! Give and receive lots of hugs during the day because touch therapy is healing. Make YOU, YOUR health a priority today. I hope this site will encourage people around the world to start making healthier lifestyle choices and provides information to help lead you in a new intentional and conscious direction and PURPOSE in life. This website, is evolving as I evolve and learn more about the world, people, cultures and healing techniques to improve our body, mind, spirit, earth. Don't let your fears of the unknown, be an obstacle. Get back up, BELIEVE in yourself, surround yourself with LOVE and FAITH and make the shift to better living today!

In good health, peace, happiness and an abundance of love,
Catherine Therese Sanson, R.N.